16.Affective recommender systems
What can designers do with this pattern?
Still to be found in the wild. Very nice post on this from Fanamby Randri: Emotion-based Music Recommendation System Using A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
Input or output?
How do users control the algorithm?
It’s purpose is to recommend the most suitable top k songs to the user from a given playlist, based on previous recordings of his feelings or other biometrics.
How do users understand the control?
Input a playlist of your choice and you information (age, mood, and gender) and upload biometrics such as Heart Rate Variability metrics.
Some examples of use
Relevant theories
Please let us know if you have a related reference with the scientific research.
Tkalvcivc, Marko & Kosir, Andrej & Tasivc, Jurij & Kunaver, Matevž. (2011). Affective recommender systems: the role of emotions in recommender systems. 9–13.
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