Who made this Pattern library?

We are a researchgroup called “Human Experience & Media Design” from the University of applied Sciences Utrecht.
Our research group develops tools, methods and models to optimise the user experience of digital media. We achieve this by measuring interactions between people and media in order to continuously improve this user experience. We call this the ‘data feedback loop’.
The Algorithmic Affordance Pattern Library is one of the tools/publications we made around the years 2021/2022. Our Lector Koen van Turnhout and researcher Erik Hekman are the founders of this idea and UX Designer/reseachers Marcel Stalenhoef designed the prototype Pattern Library with logo, website and drawings.
Growing every year
Research is done by the whole group or researchers in our team to more and more to a final state of the library. At the other hand we like participation of designers and researchers to get a better view of this new area with the design field.
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