1.Liking items
What can designers do with this pattern?
Source: community.spotify.com
Twitter Like (heart) or Facebook Like (thumbs-up)
Input or output?
How do users control the algorithm?
Likes support filtering of messages in timelines. Users do not see the immediate effect of this.
How do users understand the control?
Likes are primarily seen as feedback to the author of a tweet (who often gets notified) or facebook post, secundary as a message to the broader audience (social group) and only thirtiary as an algoritmic control (see Eslami et al. 2016).
Some examples of use
Relevant theories
Widely debated in the literature. Please let us know if you have a related reference with the scientific research.
- Bucher, T., & Helmond, A. (2017). The affordances of social media platforms. The SAGE handbook of social media, 233-253.
- Eslami, M., Karahalios, K., Sandvig, C., Vaccaro, K., Rickman, A., Hamilton, K., & Kirlik, A. (2016, May). First I” like” it, then I hide it: Folk Theories of Social Feeds. In Proceedings of the 2016 cHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 2371-2382).
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